Historical of Sold Pieces
Extraordinary Ernsz Leitz profecsional microscope manufactured and revised in 1911. With a Extraordinary Ernsz Leitz...
This piece is a large French sugar bowl or bonbonniere made in solid silver at the end of the century. This piece is a large French sugar...
Collection of 72 microscope preparations from the pathology department of the University of Paris, 1880. Collection of 72 microscope...
You are looking at a very nice lens case manufactured around 1900 and destined to be used as a stamping or philatelic case. You are looking at a very nice lens...
Beautiful 3 lights candelabra in solid silver of 835 thousandths of purity. In excellent condition Beautiful 3 lights candelabra in...
Fantastic and sturdy teapot made in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the middle of the 19th century. Fantastic and sturdy teapot made in...
Solid silver coffee pot or teapot, made in Italy in the mid-twentieth century in the Empire style. Solid silver coffee pot or teapot,...
You are looking at a French Teapot, made in France in the late nineteenth or early twentieth century in solid silver..... You are looking at a French Teapot,...
This is a magnificent coffee pot made in France in the late nineteenth or early twentieth century and... This is a magnificent coffee pot made...
Antique sugar bowl in sterling silver and crystal. It is of great size and shape. Antique sugar bowl in sterling silver...
Antique sugar bowl for sugar cubes in solid silver. The piece bears the date 1870-1895 and the contratst. Antique sugar bowl for sugar cubes in...
This piece is a fantastic French coffee pot made in solid silver at some point in the 19th century. This piece is a fantastic French...
Antique measuring spoon for pharmacist in solid silver. Years 40. Large size, 28 Antique measuring spoon for...
This is a beautiful large size antique case from the end of the 19th century, containing... This is a beautiful large size...
Machete-Bayonet Model 1858 for artilleryman and soldier of Engineers. A peculiar edged weapon. Machete-Bayonet Model 1858 for...
19th century silver chalice in perfect condition with gilded cup....
Rare silver naveta from Valladolid, Spain, circa 1775. Rich vegetal...
Antique French gilt bronze clock with Cupid, circa 1850. Paris 7-day...
Exceptional 1915 HMV Monarch 13C gramophone-phonograph with mahogany...
Automatic "Victoria" cigarette rolling machine, made in Spain around...
Antique French gilded bronze clock ca. 1850. Diana the Huntress seated...
Elegante reloj de sobremesa de bronce dorado al mercurio, circa 1840, en...
Elegant gilt bronze portico clock, France, 19th century. Working condition.
Gorgeous French pocketknife in good...