Very antique Lambert typewriter, posible model 2. Nearly 120 years old. Original collectors piece. Very antique Lambert typewriter,...
Rare Contin C typewriter in very good condition. It works really fine. Made for the German market. Rare Contin C typewriter in very good...
Rare and impressive Underwood 5 typewriter with Cyrillic keyboard. Made in the USA for the Slavic market. Collectors piece. Rare and impressive Underwood 5...
Amazing Triumph 10 typewriter in excellent condition and fine working order. Collectors piece. Amazing Triumph 10 typewriter in...
Awesome Orga 8 typewriter in amazing condition. Aesthetically like new and in perfect working order. Awesome Orga 8 typewriter in amazing...
Mythical antique double-keyboard Smith Premier Nº 10 typewriter. In fine condition and working order. Iconic piece. Mythical antique double-keyboard...
Sober and elegant Mercedes 3 typewriter in very good condition. It works and writes very well. Decorative and functional. Sober and elegant Mercedes 3...
German Ideal D typewriter in fine condition. With classic design and complete keyboard. In good working order. German Ideal D typewriter in fine...
Elegant and evocative Hispano Olivetti Studio 46 typewriter. In very good working order. Original storing suitcase. Elegant and evocative Hispano...
Wonderful Mignon 4 typewriter in almost flawless condition. With original case and in perfect working order. Wonderful Mignon 4 typewriter in...
Gorgeous rare Lambert typewriter with leather case. High-class piece for collectors. Gorgeous rare Lambert typewriter with...
Empire 2 typewriter original from the early 20th century. Very decorative and with an original design. Empire 2 typewriter original from the...
Gorgeous Underwood 5 typewriter in very good condition. With Spanish keyboard and in fine working order. Almost one century old. Gorgeous Underwood 5 typewriter in...
Original antique New Franklin III typewriter. Very rare and attractive piece. In good working order. Original antique New Franklin III...
Antique Hammond Multiplex typewriter in working order. Very rare piece with attractive old-time design. Antique Hammond Multiplex typewriter...
Delicate 18K-gold verge-fusee watch...