Spanish horn gramophone, Electro Parlonet, 1915. Winner company of the Grand Prix Milan 1906. Spanish horn gramophone, Electro...
Spanish barrel organ "Verbena" with four melodies, 1960. Spanish barrel organ "Verbena" with...
Columbia Model Q Mignon phonograph, 1898. Columbia Model Q Mignon phonograph,...
His Master's Voice Intermediate Junior Gramophone. Ca. 1910. His Master's Voice Intermediate...
Solid Silver Box with Singing Automaton Bird. KART GRIESBAUM. Germany, 19th Century Solid Silver Box with Singing...
Eternola Portablofon horn gramophone, 1925. Eternola Portablofon horn gramophone,...
Colibri Pocket Gramophone, ca.1930. Colibri Pocket Gramophone, ca.1930.
Horn Gramophone 1st quarter of the XX century. Horn Gramophone 1st quarter of the XX...
Phonophonette travel gramophone, 1925. Phonophonette travel gramophone, 1925.
Root Wood Music Box with 6 Tunes, ca. 1880. Root Wood Music Box with 6 Tunes, ca....
12 Classical Music Records for Gramophone. 12 Classical Music Records for...
Columbia AA Phonograph, 1901. Columbia AA Phonograph, 1901.
Bingola Toy Gramophone, ca. 1920 Bingola Toy Gramophone, ca. 1920
Polyphon 78 note music box with 20 discs. Polyphon 78 note music box with 20...
Rare Melody Gramophone in Piano Shape, 1930. Rare Melody Gramophone in Piano...
Outstanding Angelus Chronodato gold...