Men's Omega wristwatch. 50's. 18K gold automatic. Years 50. 18K gold automatic. In perfect condition. Men's Omega wristwatch. 50's. 18K...
Antique Leitz Wetzlar binocular microscope, rare 1930 model. Precise...
Beautiful French verge fusee pocket watch in silver, circa 1840, with...
Antique set of Benique dilators in mahogany and brass case. A historical...
German Troubadour music box, c.1900, made of mahogany. Includes 9...
Antique silver paten, France, circa 1900. Features the Lamb of God and...
Antique Adler mahogany music box, crafted in Germany circa 1900....
Antique silver paten, France, circa 1900. Features the IHS symbol and...
Knight's Cross of the Order of Military Merit, red distinction for...
Antique 1889 Spanish silver chalice...