Hi, My name is José Pascual Aznar and I am the owner and responsible of this store. I am an antique dealer located in Zaragoza, Spain. This is me in the picture.
I want to welcome you and I hope this is the beginning of a long term relationship, based on mutual trust and love for antiques, which undoubtedly is what has led you to us. I am sure you will find this site very interesting. If you have any questions or concerns about anything, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our Phone number is 976 45 39 31 (+34 976 45 39 31, if you are calling from outside Spain). You will find all our details, including our physical address and location map in the Contact Us .
If you don't know my city, Zaragoza is a medium-sized Spanish city of 700,000 inhabitants, located right in the middle of the road between Madrid and Barcelona, 300 kms from each, and also equidistant 300 kms to other cities such as Bilbao and Valencia. Zaragoza is currently the capital of the Spanish province of Aragon, a welcoming land full of honest and affable people, with a reputation for being stubborn, whose history dates back to the times of the Roman Empire.
Zaragoza is an ancient city founded by the Romans, specifically by the emperor Caesar Augustus who gave it its name, Caesaraugusta, more than 2000 years ago. Dominated and ruled by Muslims for centuries, it received the best of their culture and knowledge until the period we call the Reconquest. As a result of this period, buildings, palaces and monuments have been preserved, such as the Aljafería Palace, seat of the current Government of Aragon. During the Middle Ages, until 500 years ago, it was the capital of the ancient and powerful Kingdom of Aragon, which covered large areas of Spain and Italy. At the beginning of the 19th century, Zaragoza was the first defeat of Napoleonic troops in Europe during the Napoleonic Wars, a period in which we were given the reputation of being stubborn, simply because its inhabitants refused to surrender the city. All this among other History...
Here I was born, here I live and here I have my antique shop .
In my case, I started in this world as a collector, perhaps like many other antique dealers. Before me were my parents and they were the ones who introduced me to the world of collecting and antiques since I was very young. My father collected antique weapons and my mother collected European porcelain. Thanks to the fact that they traveled a lot in Europe, I started to know other antique dealers located in other countries as well as the functioning of auction houses since I was a child, not only here in Spain, but also in other cities such as Milan, London and Paris. When I was very young I started my own search in flea markets and flea markets for my own small collections, buying small pieces within my reach of my pocket and dreaming of being able to acquire pieces of a higher level. It was always for me like going on a treasure hunt, a real adventure. I have been a professional antique dealer since 2003, when I decided to combine my passion with my way of life. If as I am writing this it is the year 2023, this is 20 years today, being a professional antique dealer. And over 40 years as a collector, and I still have a lot to learn and just a little to teach.
We are a legally registered antiques business, here in Spain. We have a store open to the public in Zaragoza and we are open from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm local Madrid time. You are welcome to visit us at any time. We also have a store open on eBay for many years, I think at least 19 years, under the nickname " iberantiques ", active and with more than 1400 positive reviews, today all 100% positive ( see ratings ) .
The Store
I speak fluent English, some French and, of course, Spanish.
If you've made it this far, thank you for reading me. Enjoy your stay and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!
We take orders all year round!
José Pascual Aznar
Registration Data
Company Name: Joyería y Antiguedades Aznar SLU
Address: Calle Juan Cabrero, 18 Local AA, 50007 Zaragoza (Spain)
E-mail: info@antiguedades.es
Contact Phone: (+34) 976 45 39 31 , from 9 am to 7 pm Madrid time
Joyería y Antigüedades Aznar SLU , with CIF B-99326563 is a company registered in Zaragoza, Spain, with entry number 1/2011/11. 119.0 journal 267, entry 784, registered in volume 3870, folio 96, entry 1 with sheet Z-52295
Sole Administrator: José Pascual Aznar
Online Dispute Resolution in accordance with Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013:
The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform, which is available at the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ .
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