Elegant Gramophone His master's voice, model 104, manufactured in 1924. Nice wooden box with excellent aesthetic and functional characteristics. It is in perfect working condition, with all original parts. The engine is smooth and quiet and is like the first day. It also attaches the automatic brake innovation that previous models do not have. This is a genuine part, and not one of the increasingly common copies found on the market. This piece has the original logo, original paint and wood in excellent condition. It sounds great and has been revised, so you will be able to listen to music from the first day, it also attaches several dials and enough needles to make it work. The gramophone will be a tough competitor of the phonograph when the German Emile Berliner invented it in 1887. It was a new reproducer device not based on the Edisonian cylinder, but on that round surface despised by the father of the phonograph, developing the recording laterally, through the groove instead of up and down. Between the disc and the cylinder there would be a fierce struggle, which ends up winning the disc thanks to an aggressive advertising campaign that would make this format would get more and more followers. The brand "His Master Voice" (HMV) is perfectly identifiable by the logo of the famous Nipper dog listening to a gramophone, although what many people do not know is that this logo was first designed for the phonograph, but eventually it would be changed. In its May 1930 catalog the brand presents a wide repertoire of gramophones in which the external horns have already been eliminated and models with excellent internal horns have been incorporated and what is more innovative: the first electric devices. The fact of including the horn inside the machine itself gave the device a more compact and solid appearance. Measurements: 47 x 40 x 34 cm (closed).