
Bingola Toy Gramophone

Bingola Toy Gramophone, ca. 1920



Lovely Bingola Toy Gramophone, manufactured in the 1920's. It is in perfect condition and working order. All the pieces are original. Composed of an original triangular shaped box, it is made of tinplate painted in a way that imitates wood. The painting is completely original, although it has some marks of use that testify that it is a totally genuine piece. The arm, built directly into the top of the box, is also in good condition. The box has the crank on one side and a speed regulator on the other. This original model incorporates a grille on the front that allows the sound to escape. This piece enjoys an excellent sound which makes it a magnificent device to listen to music even though it is a toy model, thanks to its magnificent acoustic characteristics and original machinery. It will be delivered with 13 original discs: 8 decorated Pygmo Pluma discs, 4 normal discs for the Bingola and one of superior size, which will allow you to listen to music from the first day.The operation of this type of toy gramophones is identical to that of their big brothers; the gramophones intended for adult audiences. These devices were originally intended for children, designed to play toy records with children's songs. Nowadays, these gramophones are devices for collectors of antique music that allow them to listen to songs of yesteryear in small but high quality models.The Bing company, founded in Nuremberg by the brothers Ignaz and Adolf Bing in 1863, was known for its abundant production of toy trains, becoming the largest factory in the world in the manufacture of this type of toys. It also ventured into the field of gramophones aimed at the children's market as this example. The company's anagram was often represented by the company's initials, in a simple logo in which a B lying on top of a W could be seen. Due to the success obtained with the toy gramophones of the series Bingola or Gamanette, etc., the company decided to venture later already in suitcase models for the adult public.This model called Bingola incorporates the horn into the case itself, sharing the space with the machinery. The triangular shape of the horn, reminiscent of a tin can, helps to amplify the sound, which comes out through a front grille.A precious piece of the most original!Measures: 15 x 24 cm.

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