horn gramophone of the Gramophone & Typewriter Ltd., later His Master's Voice. Year 1904. horn gramophone of the Gramophone...
Beautiful horn gramophone from the beginning of the 20th century. Very decorative and working well. Beautiful horn gramophone from the...
Magnificent Ariston barrel organ made in 1880. Perfectly restored, it sounds wonderful. Magnificent Ariston barrel organ made...
Very rare left-handed horn gramophone from 1910. Completely original and working well. Very rare left-handed horn gramophone...
Charming portable gramophone made in 1920. In perfect working condition. Very good sound. Charming portable gramophone made in...
Exceptional Columbia cylinder phonograph made circa 1898. In perfect working condition. Exceptional Columbia cylinder...
Elegant horn gramophone, in very good condition and working perfectly. Circa 1910. Elegant horn gramophone, in very good...
Antique French phonograph Le Virtuose in magnificent condition. Antique and decorative piece. Antique French phonograph Le Virtuose...
Spectacular Eclipse horn gramophone manufactured in Great Britain in 1915. In perfect working order. Spectacular Eclipse horn gramophone...
Rare Capitol model Phono-Lamp, manufactured in the 1920's. With several repairs. Rare Capitol model Phono-Lamp,...
Charming portable gramophone or picnic Peter Pan, made in England in the 1920's. Working. Charming portable gramophone or...
Impressive horn gramophone from 1904, totally restored. Working and with great sound. Impressive horn gramophone from 1904,...
Magnificent Pathé horn gramophone from 1915, restored and working. Original trumpet. Magnificent Pathé horn gramophone...
Very nice German horn gramophone from 1910. Trumpet with original lacquer. Working. Very nice German horn gramophone from...
English gramophone His Master's Voice, original and restored. Magnificent sound, collector's item. English gramophone His Master's...
Outstanding Angelus Chronodato gold...